- Kelly Place
- 258m²
- Residential renovation
There is great value in improving what you have rather than starting again, as the owners of this four-bedroom Hamilton home have found. An extensive renovation was undertaken to add a new master bedroom, ensuite, kitchen and dining area — taking the floor area from 195m² to 258m². Double glazed aluminium joinery replaced the old, along with complete re-roofing, insulation and repainting of walls and ceilings, installation of a fully ducted heating system, new wiring and floor coverings, new decks, structural work in the basement and new garage doors.
Registered Master Builders House of the Year 2012
Gold Award, Gold Reserve Award (National Finalist), Local Category Winner (Waikato Region) and National Award Winner, $250,000 to $500,000 renovation category
Great care and attention were taken to match new materials with old. Favourite features from the home were protected and retained, such as the tiled entry steps, lounge cornices and curved corners. This home has had a complete aesthetic and functional makeover, yet remained true to its era. With new large sliding doors and joinery, this private home is now very warm, light and sunny, an absolute pleasure to live in.